The Oxygen Mask Effect

The Oxygen Mask Effect is about providing tips and tricks for entrepreneurial women to grow their businesses while learning to create a work/life balance, by creating self-care habits that will provide more time for themselves and their families. Utilizing these tips, listeners will be able to live their best lives through total mind, body, emotional, spiritual and sexual wellness.

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Wednesday Mar 16, 2022

What would you do if you were told your child would never walk or be a productive member of society? This was the question that today’s guest, Paul Forchione’s mother had when she was told that his cerebral palsy was so severe that he would never walk or be a productive member of society.  Her response?  That it would never happen to her child.  Like most mothers, she only wanted what was best for her son and did whatever it took for Paul to learn to walk, talk, and function like the other children his age. 
In this conversation, Paul talks about issues he had in school with bullying, teachers and principals having low expectations from him and how he was able to overcome them.  From finding himself on the high school baseball team and being accepted as one of the guys from the coach and teammates, to attending college and graduating, Paul has had much to overcome in his life.  He talks about his struggles and how he realized his destiny to help others rewrite their story and thus change the direction of their lives.
Paul was born with cerebral palsy and it was so severe that the doctors told his mom that he would never be able to walk. Thank goodness for a wonderful mom and a great mindset that wasn’t his story. He was able to overcome it and is now able to live a very active life. It wasn’t easy however to get to that point. Today as a Mindset Coach, Paul shares his story with his clients to help them rewrite their own stories to go after their true dreams and desires.
Connect with Paul:
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Home - A Call To Action

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022

The health of one's physical body is important. People should try to do what they can to help it stay strong and healthy. To some, coping and recovering after a health condition is as easy as taking a pill or going to therapy. For others, it's more complicated than that. The road to recovery can be difficult but knowing how to cope makes the process easier. Understanding the methods of coping with health conditions will let them help you navigate the difficult times ahead.
Tanja Diamond, is a Lineage Tantra Master, Master Coach Trainer, Biohacker and Business Alchemist. She has been called a "Maverick Leader" with unique and creative approaches for getting results at warp speed. Her visionary work in healing the nervous system boasts a 99% success rate in transforming trauma and unwanted behaviors allowing her clients to experience their life fully with Integrated Intelligence.
In our conversation, you’ll learn:
Tanja's journey as she overcomes challenges in her life
How her child's health affected her business
What significant trait you need as a parent to take care a child with special needs
The importance of self-commitment in self-care
How she managed to heal from cancer
How her resilient nervous system helped in her recovery process
Get in Touch with Tanja Diamond:

Monday Feb 28, 2022

As parents, we always put our children first above all else.  We also give so much to others, but neglect ourselves.  When parenting a child with chronic illness or special needs or living with one ourselves, it is even worse. 
In this episode, I introduce my new direction for the Oxygen Mask Effect podcast’s second season, explaining why I have shifted to focus on parents of children with chronic illness and special needs and why self-care is even more important.  Through interviews with parents as well as professionals living with chronic illness or special needs themselves, and my own input, my goal is for listeners to realize that they are not alone and that self-care should be a priority. 
In this first episode of the season, I tell a brief background of my experiences with chronic illness and special needs, give some tips that I have learned and guide you through the passion project that is this season.
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Wednesday Jan 19, 2022

We've spoken a lot this season about the importance of self-care and how to practice it. We've learnt how to put our own oxygen mask on first so that we may assist others in the same way that we assist ourselves. Self-care isn't always fun but it is necessary if we want healthy lives and relationships with others. We experience stress for a lot of different reasons however I found that when I started to take care of myself first--take care of my mental health and balance--I was in a much better position to take care of others.
Though it might feel selfish or indulgent, self-care is not only necessary to maintain our health, but essential to our happiness. Self-care is something that we all struggle with. However, it is so important to get enough rest and to be mindful about the things that you do for yourself.
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I hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022

We all deserve a little self-care. Especially those of us who forget to take care of ourselves until the damage has been done. However, there are some simple steps that we can take to remind ourselves that we matter as individuals and as a society. These include eating well, exercising regularly, drinking enough water, and spending time with friends and family.
Nutrition is a huge component of good mental health. It controls our moods, how we feel about the world around us, and our energy levels. Being healthy is important for everyone, but it can be especially vital for those with mental illness as many people find that changing their diet helps to control symptoms. And eating healthily brings us various benefits: living longer; having more energy; looking better; feeling happier; preventing illness. Eating a balanced diet is the best thing you can do for your body. It's a form of self-care.
Jinan Banna, is an Associate Professor, Registered Dietitian and Nutrition Coach. Her mission is to help working women navigate the food environment with ease. She also help busy people meet their health goals, maintain a healthy weight, improve digestion, and feel energized.
Together with Jinan, we will discuss the importance of taking care of yourself by focusing on food andgive you tips on how to make "healthy" food choices towards achieving optimum health and lifelong wellness.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· How a nutritionist is different from a registered dietitian
· What are some common misconceptions about diet and weight loss
· Why restricting your food intake is not an effective approach of losing weight
· What leads to weight gain
· How Janina got started in her career
· How healthy diet may help in disease prevention and the management of chronic conditions
· What is the key to maintaining a healthy diet
Get in Touch with Jinan Banna:
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· PinterestI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022

Self-care is the most important part of any pursuit of personal growth, and yet it’s also the one we often neglect. Self-care doesn’t mean you’re trying to escape your problems or avoid your responsibilities. It means taking care of yourself so that you can be present for other people and grow as a person at the same time.
There is a lot to learn when it comes to personal growth. It can be difficult to prioritize your own needs in an attempt at self-improvement, particularly when the task may seem overwhelming. And the key to combatting any of negative feelings is self-care — taking time out of our busy lives for some "me time" without feeling guilty about it.
Lori Pino, is a Holistic Life Coach, Author, Healing Artist and Reiki Master. She is committed and genuinely passionate about empowering her clients to achieve the forward movement they want to see in their lives. Her coaching style is holistic, solution-focused, and transformational while her coaching specialties include education, wellness, relationships, self-worth, and spirituality.
Together with Lori, we are going to talk about the significance of self-care in connection to personal growth and provide you tips that will allow you to live a life of purpose by incorporating mindfulness, spirituality, and fun.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· What is Haight Words and where did it originate
· What is Hispanic folk healing and why it is important for certain cultures
· Why it is necessary for you to walk the talk
· Why you should be committed in yourself when it comes to self-care
· How mindset and mindfulness play a significant role in self-care
· How is Present Time Consciousness (PTC) important to your well-being
Resources mentioned:
· Haight Words: Voices from the Street by Lori Pino
Get in Touch with Lori Pino:
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· Facebook GroupI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021

Coping up from health challenges can be both physically and mentally strenuous. You deserve to treat yourself and whether that’s taking a walk, reading a book, or just sitting down with a cup of tea. If you’re feeling unwell it might be time to take some time for self-care. Managing your emotional well-being is an important part of managing your overall health.
Self-care provides relief by learning how to control your environment and create new habits that give you the balance of power in life. You can also learn new things like managing stress or using positive self-talk.
We all know how difficult it can be to balance everything in our lives when we are not feeling well. But self-care is important for us to get better and live a healthy life. It is about taking care of yourself in ways that make you feel happy and healthy - like resting or getting out into the fresh air.
Katherine Marie, is a Speaker and a Holistic Cancer Coach. She specializes in helping those experiencing cancer navigate the changes brought about by their diagnosis. She partners with clients as they identify their health goals, strategize, and guide them throughout the process of achieving those goals. She believes optimal health takes into consideration all areas of one’s life, including: physical health, relationships, spirituality, physical fitness, joy and nutrition.
Together with Katherine, in this episode we are going to discuss how to manage health challenges by exploring the various aspects of self-care and how they may be incorporated into your everyday life.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· What holistic health coaching is and why it is essential
· What a cancer patient needs and how you can help them
· Katherine's journey against cancer and how she overcame it
· How you can still go through hard times and laugh
· Why you should set protective boundaries to protect yourself from other people
· The significance of self-care in the midst of having different career
· The various forms of self-care and how to incorporate them
Get in Touch with Katherine Marie:
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· YoutubeI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021

If you have ever lost someone, you may well be feeling an overwhelming sense of grief and loss. The bereaved person can often feel alone in their grief, which can make it hard for them to find support. While those left behind will try to take care of themselves and the deceased's family, friends are most likely to turn to each other for support during this time.
Grief is the common response to loss, often including shock, sadness or depression, anger, worry about the future and feelings of inadequacy. Grief is not an illness but is a normal process. It can be hard to know how to respond when someone grieves - grief can look really different for everyone which makes it hard for those who are close to the bereaved person to know what they should do or say.
Sherrie Dunlevy, is a #1 Best Selling author, speaker, podcast host and business owner. She is on a mission to help grieving people step out of their pain and suffering and step back into living their lives with passion, purpose and JOY! Her greatest happiness. She uplifts and encourages those feeling broken, discouraged, and complacent about their life and leads them to a shift in mindset to focus on what’s working, instead of what’s not.
In this episode with Sherrie, we will talk about how to provide support for someone grieving a loss, how to overcome your grief and introduce you to how this may take place.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· How Sherrie got started in her grief coaching career
· Why it's important for you to know that you're not alone in the dark
· How we all go through grief at some time in our life
· How grieving may help you realize what matters most to you
· How to help someone on their healing journey
· How important your comfort is to someone who is grieving a great loss and pain
· The most effective ways to support a friend who is grieving
· How intentions are meaningless unless they are associated by actions
Resources mentioned:
· How Can I Help?: Your Go-to Guide For Helping Loved Ones Through Life's Difficulties by Sherrie Dunlevy
· Graduating Grief Website
· Graduating Grief Quiz
Get in Touch with Sherrie Dunlevy:
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TwitterI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Wednesday Dec 08, 2021

Do you ever feel stuck? As if all avenues of escape are closed off and you're just standing there, watching your life pass by? Even when you're consciously waiting for your turn, it can feel like years go by before that opportunity ever arrives. It's an awful feeling to be stuck. You know that something needs to change but don't know what to do or how to make the first move. When we feel stuck, we sometimes need an adjustment in our mindset. One of the most significant adjustments you can make is making sure that you're taking care of yourself. There's a difference between looking after yourself and indulging in mindless pleasures, but it's easy to lose sight of when you're in the middle of needing a break from your work or routine.
If you struggle with feeling stuck in a career, school, relationship or any other aspect of your life then self-care is crucial to overcoming this feeling. It's always been said that you cannot truly grow if you are not taking care of yourself and this is true. If your mental and physical health isn't good then it's going to be hard for you to find the motivation or energy when searching for an answer or when facing challenges in life.
Michelle Ogston, is a Certified Intuitive Mindset Coach & Certified Minfulness and Meditation Teacher. She’s on a mission to teach people how to connect from within by trusting their intuition so they can stop feeling lost and lonely and start living with faith and not fear. Her willingness to “lean into” your experiences with you helps you feel safe and not alone.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· How Michelle became interested in pursuing a career as a life coach
· Why self-searching is important for individuals who are depressed
· How there would be times when we would lose our connection of who we are
· How changing your patterns may result in a more positive outcome
· How setting intentions relates to the season in which we find ourselves
· Why should you ask yourself if certain things are serving you
· How can loneliness be equated to smoking
Get in Touch with Michelle Ogston:
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InstagramI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021

You probably feel like there is never enough time in the day. Between work, family, and other commitments, it can feel impossible to find time for yourself to do what you enjoy the most. But the truth is that it's really important that we don't neglect our own needs. Regardless of how busy your day may be, it is essential to make time for yourself. The ability to find balance in your life is key when trying to navigate through the overwhelming and stressful world we live in today. It can be difficult finding time for yourself among the hustle and bustle of daily life but if you know what you need and how that it can benefit you, then finding that time shouldn't be too hard at all!
Everyone needs to take time for themselves in order to be happy and healthy. Self-care is not just about physical requirements like sleep, exercise, and food - it is also about finding time to connect with friends and family, relax your mind, or get involved in activities that make you feel whole. It's never too late to start developing good habits towards self-care.
Jennifer Stewart, is a Life Coach, Facilitator, Trainer, Reiki Master and the founder of Jas Potential. Her passion is to help people Find Their Sparkle and live a life of joy, love, purpose, passion and Sparkle. She has made it her mission to help people start a new chapter in their lives where they are in the driver’s seat and have control of where their future takes them.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
· How Jennifer got started as a life coach
· How Jennifer overcame the significant setback in her life
· Why you shouldn't allow other people's opinions affect you
· Why it's important to set aside some time for oneself
· Why you shouldn't feel guilty about taking care of your wellbeing
· Why it is important to breathe mindfully
People mentioned in this episode:
· Emily Fletcher
Learn more about Jennifer Stewart:
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YoutubeI hope you've enjoyed this episode of The Oxygen Mask Effect. I hope you've learned some tips and tricks on creating your own self care habits and routines. And for more information, follow me on the oxygen mask effect dot com. Subscribe to my channel, review the episodes and I look forward to seeing them reach out to me and join my facebook group, The Oxygen Mask Effect or reach out to me on Facebook at Alison Swerdloff and on Instagram at Alison Swerdloff. Also, feel free to find out to contact me for more information about my free self care workshop. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


The Oxygen Mask Effect

Learning to put your oxygen mask on first and focus on your needs while dealing with everyone around you can be a challenge for all parents, but even more so for parents of children with chronic illness or special needs.  Parents have become caregivers and often neglect their own needs and desires.  The Oxygen Mask Effect educates parents of the importance of self-care and encourages them to create their own self-care habits and routines.  Doing so allows them to build and grow their businesses, progress in their chosen profession and provide better care for their children.

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